The subject of hair can be considered a personal, sensitive topic for many women because it is such a powerful facet of the female identity, and this is something that Miss Jessie's completely understands. To make a snap judgment about one's hair quality or type can feel just as unjust as being judged for any other superficial reason. No one wants to feel limited by a stereotype under any circumstances, and individual needs shouldn't be marginalized due to assumptions based on generalizations, especially in the hair and beauty market. All women are entitled to feel beautiful; the more confident one is about their outer appearance, the easier it is for their inner beauty to reveal itself.
Miss Jessie's prides itself on its ability to fully embrace the multi-dimensional aesthetic of curls, catering to the entire curly spectrum of pattern, texture, and shape. What is special about curly hair, in particular, is that one head of curls can be as diverse as brush strokes in an impressionistic painting. Like the painting technique of Degas or Monet, each curl is it's own individual entity possessing a completely original quality, ultimately culminating into a one of a kind expression of personal style. Curls are just as autonomous as their owners, and as a modern society, we value the myriad of personalities, tastes, and talents of we encounter within all individual people. They say, "Variety is the spice of life, " and if that's the case, then curly haired cuties are red hot chili peppers!
We wish to honor the qualities that make our customers unique as the curls on their heads, by featuring their stories in this monthly column called, Curl Girls: a Celebration of Curl Power. These are real women in active pursuit of success, candidly discussing style tips, giving beauty advice, and sharing their own experiences and opinions on hair care. Deriving strength from their originality, they define beauty on their own terms, proudly dancing through life to the beat of their own drums. We hope their stories entertain and inspire you.
If you are interested in being featured as our next CURL GIRL, email us here.
Curl Girl for the month of May

1. As a working girl, you're always on the go. What's your 'on the go' styling hair routine/ tricks/ suggestions to others?
I like to wash my hair and apply hydrating products as quickly as possible. If I have the time, I will use a dual leave-in conditioner/ styler, like Miss Jessie's Transitioner's Magic. If I'm really rushing, I'll hit it with an argan-based, hydrating hairspray. Then I let my air dry, and let gravity do its thing! My curls end up falling into a more even, wavy pattern this way. I also try to avoid going to bed with damp hair, because I wake up with curls of all different tightness, going in different directions.
2. We all know curls come in a variety of textures, that shouldn't be generalized when dealing with people on an individual basis. How do you perceive your hair's texture, and how do you compliment your unique texture's needs?
My hair isn't completely coarse, but it also isn't totally fine- it's an in-between hair texture so different, that it's difficult to define, and consequently also difficult to find products that nurture all my hair's needs. I usually end up playing mad scientist with multiple different gels, sprays, oils from all over the place because it's so hard to find one or two things capable of addressing all of my hair's problem areas consistently, evenly, and with ease. I feel like my curls have a mind of their own; some days they look like tight tendrils, other days my curls hang more loosely with a more wavy effect. Most products are either too heavy, weighing my hair down, or too light and virtually ineffective for me. It was so frustrating how in the world of hair, hair types are placed into these cut and dry categories” Type A or Type B” but for a Type Q like me, that simply is not good enough. That is why I was so happy to find Miss Jessie's products. They are lifesavers-well, hair savers- because they really are tailor-made to enhance all possible curl types. Unlike any other brand, Miss Jessie's offers all kinds of solutions so that from the subtlest waves to the tightest coils, no degree curliness is excluded. They cater to curls, period.
3. What is your favorite Miss Jessie's hair products and why?
MultiCultural Curls; My hair is really thick and has a lot of layers, and the deeper you delve into my hair, the more apparent it becomes that no two layers curl in the exact same way. Some are tight, some are loose, some are just wavy, and occasionally I'll even see some straight strands. All of it tends to frizz, at least a little bit if I don't put any product in it, and what I love about Multi-Cultural Curls is how it creates uniformity of texture within all curls, leaving them full, soft and with a gentle bounce.
Transitioner's Magic; This is a fabulous moisturizer that I always use after spending long days outside in the California sun. It keeps my hair frizz-free, and manageable when I need something heavy duty. Additionally, this product is the perfect weight to keep my hair sleek without weighing it down too much.
Pillow Soft Curls; This styling lotion makes soft, lightweight curls without the crunch caused by gels, which I absolutely cannot stand. This styling lotion is perfect for the wash and go look that I often HAVE to go with, considering I often work 60-72 hours a week. This leaves my curls looks effortlessly perfect.
Stretch Silkening Creme; This cream is on the heavier side, so I use it on the occasion for when I want a longer, more loose curl, giving my hair a more beachy wave effect. It's also great for adding shine, which is always desired!
4. Every girl goes through a period when they want to experiment with their hair and attempt a different look. What is the most drastic hair change you've implemented? After making this change, what did you learn about your hair?
I've never been big on coloring my hair or never really strayed from my usual haircut of choice, but I did try the Japanese Thermal straightening treatment once, while it was still fairly new. I had lived with curly hair my whole life, and wanted to try something different. It was the late 90s/early 2000s, and the straight, flat as a board look was all the rage. I also assumed that straight hair would be easier to manage than my curly hair- it was a whole "grass is greener on the other side" situation.
Well, my assumption wasn't completely correct. I loved it at first, but eventually, I just got bored with it. I don't know if I was just more accustomed to working with curly hair, but I missed the versatility in styles my curly hair allowed for. Also, my hair still required just as much, if not more, attention then it did when it was curly. I'm not putting down the thermal- it was great for what it was, but just because something is the hot trend of the moment, doesn't mean it will work for everyone. This one just wasn't for me. I wanted something low-maintenance, natural, with a little more body and ameliorated my hair health, so I went back to my natural curls. It's always good to try new things, so I have no regrets, but I admit I did miss my curls! Glad to have them back.
5. How did you learn about personal style? Did someone teach you, or were you self-taught?
I'm the middle child in a family of all girls, so between my sisters and my mother, beauty and girly stuff was just something that was always part of my existence. As a tomboy, I did try to resist. As a kid, I went through a phase in which my soccer cleats were my shoes of choice and even tried to wear them to church once (my mother was, of course, mortified). I also attended a school that was all girls from kindergarten through senior year of high school, so there was always a level of comfort and security with my friends. Most of what I know now came from a lot of trial and error (the cleats phase being an error) and just observing all the women in my life. It took me a while to finally settle into a hair and beauty regiment that works finally for me, but there is always room for improvement. I'm always still learning and observing.
6. What is the biggest hair lesson you've learned while growing up?
A tomboy in my childhood, I was a late bloomer when it came to having an interest in beauty or hair care. This sounds so silly, but though I knew everyone's hair texture was visibly different, I didn't realize that varying hair types also required individualized hair care regiments. For example, I used to believe it was mandatory brush my hair as much as possible, every day. I was under the impression excessive brushing was more hygienic, simply because it was something I saw all my straight-haired friends doing all the time. I never loved how it made my hair look frizzy, but I thought it was like brushing your teeth- something all girls had to do to keep hair healthy. Thank goodness for my wise, but blunt older sister. She was the one that pointed out that all the brushing was the reason why I looked like, quote, "I had been attacked by a raccoon", and that brushing too much can actually be detrimental to hair health. She helped teach me how to style without a brush, and I realized that my hair looked best after just quickly running my fingers through, with a little twisting, scrunching, and sculpting, to keep the texture and shape of my curls. Sometimes, simple is sweeter and less is best!
7. What is your favorite date night hairstyle?
What's unique about curls and what I love about them, is the way they cascade down and just fit together when behaving well. I like to highlight this by wearing romantic looking, half up half down styles, or all down with one side pinned back.
8. What is the best curly hair secret you have, that you are willing to share?
Well, once I grew out of my tomboy phase and started to care more about style, I realized that a perfectly layered haircut can TRANSFORM ahead of curls, by providing a unique sense of depth and dimension. Another thing I do is that I have made it a habit of using products that with a heat protective component immediately when I get out of the shower, regardless of whether I plan on using hot tools on my hair or not, because most of these products have a reparative qualities and add a little extra moisture. I only brush my hair right after I wash it, and I use a wide toothed comb to do so. Otherwise, I'll just run my fingers through it. Also, and goes hand in hand with the "not brushing my hair every day" trick I learned from my sister, but my hair is at it's best and is happiest with my natural oils. It's super shiny and makes it much easier for me to achieve a natural curl definition and bounce. So "dirty" hair that hasn't been washed for two, even three to four days, is my dirty little secret, so to speak.
9. Switching gears to personal style. Do you have any summer fashion must-haves?
This summer, I'm on the prowl for a good jean jacket. Not your regular, average, boxy shape, but a denim jacket with a more modern silhouette, such as a dolman sleeve or tailored like a blazer. I really loved the classic look of denim jackets, because they are so lightweight and somehow always manage to go with everything. and upgrading this look with a fresh cut I think will add a nice variety to my wardrobe.
10. Who's celeb hairstyle do you admire/what celeb inspires you the most in terms of hair/style? Why?
I'm a huge fan of Kerry Washington. She can literally look amazing with any hairstyle. Short, long, tight curls, loose waves, bangs, highlights, completely natural... she has done it all and does it so flawlessly! I also absolutely adore Nicole Richie's versatility and styling choices. She's so innovative and bold, and I'm inspired by her daringness to try out different looks.! She can go from a cute bob to blunt bangs, to long, whispy, flowing waves, and looks great with literally ANY hair color. Right now, she's currently rolling with a lavender color, a trend that a lot of celebs are experimenting with right now and is a really edgy choice, however, it's my opinion that Nicole's rendition of this style still maintains a really elegant quality to it, as well. Not many people are capable of pulling this off, yet she seems to make it all look effortless.
11. What are 5 things in your purse right now?
1. Chapstick
2. A mini notebook to write down thoughts, whenever I'm creatively inspired
3. Deodorant
4. Hair clip: For hot days on the set. I can quickly pull my hair up and keep my neck cool, without creating as severe of an indent as a hair rubber band.
5. A little packet of Miss Jessie's MultiCultural Curls: In case I need to do some touch-up styling while on the go. This is great for taming curly baby hairs or flyaways... I have plenty of both!
12. What is your definition of beauty and when do you feel the most beautiful?
I was raised to believe that, "Pretty is as pretty does". True beauty comes from within and radiates through the quality of a person's character. I feel most beautiful right after a shower or bath when I'm newly clean and completely stripped of products, makeup, etc. It's during these moments that I can look in the mirror and really absorb the full scope of my natural beauty and everything God gave me- all the blessings, all the minor quirks, all the major flaws- all the elements that make up Jillian. I can see the big picture and can't help but to be happy with what's in front of me.
13. What advice would you give young women who are struggling to find beauty within themselves and have low self-esteem?
Well, for one thing, I don't think my journey is over yet. I'm still trying to figure out things about myself and grow into the woman I want to be. Though sometimes a rocky road, it's also super exciting, and I hope I never stop learning and growing. When it comes to issues with self-esteem, learning to love yourself can be a difficult challenge, but I think the key to learning to be comfortable in your own skin is just reminding yourself that you are amazing. Like literally list to yourself all the positive things you remember people have said to you, or remind yourself of any and all accomplishments you've made. Even if it's something as silly as winning the "best smile" award at summer camp when you were a kid. It all counts! And even if you don't believe it right away, if you repeat these things yourself enough, eventually something will click and you will start to see the awesome person that everyone else sees. Positive affirmations make it impossible for anyone to steal your shine! Also, try surrounding yourself with positive people that make you laugh and help feel supported, so you can relax and be yourself.
If you are interested in being featured as our next CURL GIRL, email us here.