One of my favorite things about the holidays is how quickly my social calendar seems to fill up. However, coming up with a versatile series of looks for each event can be stressful. The last thing I want is to get tagged all over Instagram and Facebook, in the same, tired look, however, I don't want to break the bank again this year, by purchasing a bunch of new outfits. Typically what happens is, while shopping for other's gifts, I end up replenishing my own wardrobe with new pieces, if the price is right. Though not the worst offense one could commit, I do feel a slight tinge of guilt when my initial intention to do for someone else, and I come home with a bunch of new things for myself.
This is why I have decided to put my New Year's Eve resolution into action a little bit early: I will not buy myself any new clothes unless it is something my current closet collection is lacking, and I truly need it. Other than occasional fashion emergency situations, I will make dew with the massive selection of clothes I have been accumulating for years, relying on my creativity to alternate between different hair and makeup skills, to spice up my look. In my pursuit of new hairstyles to try, I started messing around with my flexi rod set, a gift I had actually received from a friend a few years before but had never attempted to try. I already use Miss Jessie's Transitioners Magic all the time to balance out the competing curly textures of my hair, so I figured it would be a great product to compliment this heat-free, curl creating technique.

So this year, as you hop between big holiday events to more intimate family gatherings, maintain the bounce in your step and curl, with one of these rod set based looks:
Long Pluscious Curls:

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*All images were sourced on Pinterest